Hip Joint
Hip Replacement Surgery for Patient

Hip pain can be caused by deformity or injury of the joint, but the most common cause of chronic hip pain is osteoarthritis. If hip pain interferes with your daily activities, despite more conservative non-surgical treatments, your doctor may suggest hip replacement surgery. Hip replacement can provide pain relief and improved mobility for many years.
Hip Joint with arthritis
More information
For more in-depth information on hip replacement, refer to the following patient education websites. These government and not-for-profit websites have rigorous editorial policies and do not endorse specific companies or products.*
Produced by the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes for Health, this site includes links to interactive tutorials, surgical videos, and the latest hip replacement research.
Your Orthopedic Connection
Provided by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
* KYOCERA Medical Technologies, Inc. makes no representations or warranties about the content, completeness, or accuracy of these third-party sites. The inclusion of a link to a third-party site does not imply endorsement by KYOCERA Medical Technologies, Inc. of that site.